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Why do explosion-proof battery electric locomotives slip?


Why do explosion-proof battery electric locomotives slip?

Sometimes the explosion-proof battery electric locomotive will slip, why? How to solve it?

The essence of the skidding of the explosion-proof battery electric locomotive is that the adhesion traction is not enough. The obvious solution is to increase the adhesion traction of the explosion-proof battery electric locomotive or reduce the traction required by the electric locomotive. The common ways to increase the adhesive traction of explosion-proof battery electric locomotives are as follows:

1. Sanding. Using a sanding device is the easiest way to improve the adhesion coefficient between the wheel and the track through sanding.

2. Choose a route with a small slope. The greater the slope, the greater the traction force required by the electric locomotive to drive the mine car. Choosing a route with a small slope can effectively reduce the traction force required by the electric locomotive.

3. Do not overload. Although different types of electric locomotives have different traction upper limits, there is a limit. Generally, the maximum traction force marked on an electric locomotive is the same as its adhesive traction force, which means that once the electric locomotive is overloaded, the electric locomotive is likely to slip during driving.

4. Insufficient power. When the battery power is insufficient, the output power of the explosion-proof battery electric locomotive motor may be weakened, resulting in insufficient traction.

5. The transmission function is damaged. If the daily maintenance is not in place, there is a problem with the transmission system, and insufficient power transmission may also cause the electric locomotive to slip, and of course it is more likely that the electric locomotive will "strike" directly.

The above is a simple analysis of why the explosion-proof battery electric locomotive slips.